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The Carrier Experience in the Shipper App
Morgan Williams avatar
Written by Morgan Williams
Updated over 11 months ago

Carriers that receive shipments via the Transfix Shipper App will be able to access the shipment details through the links included in the emails that are automatically generated by the app; no login is required. Below is a guide to the messages your carriers will receive throughout the lifecycle of a shipment (click on a subject in the table of contents to skip ahead).

Accepting a Shipment via Routing Guide:

Carriers will receive an email containing a summary the shipment information and be prompted to accept or decline:

Clicking 'Accept Shipment' will take them to a view of the shipment details, similar to your view in the Shipper App but without access to your notes. They'll also be prompted to start updating their tracking information and ETA to pickup:

Clicking 'View Shipment Details' will take the carrier to the shipment details with an option to confirm coverage:

Clicking 'Decline Shipment' will prevent the carrier from accessing the shipment details again. Instead, they'll be advised that they've already declined the shipment

Once the shipment is tendered, the carrier will be receive an error message if they try to access the details:

Accepting a Shipment via Auction:

Carriers will receive an email containing a summary the shipment information and be invited to bid:

The carrier will be prompted to enter a bid. If they have an existing contract rate it will be provided for reference:

Carriers are able to edit or retract their bids by accessing the shipment via the same link:

Depending on your settings in the Shipper App, the carrier may be asked to confirm once their bid is accepted:

Once they confirm, they'll be prompted to start updating their tracking information and ETA to pickup:

Carriers that try to place a bid after the auction has expired will receive notice:

Once the shipment is tendered, the carrier will be receive an error message if they try to access the details:

Accepting a Shipment via Direct Assignment:

Carriers will receive an email containing a summary the shipment information and be prompted to accept or decline:

Clicking 'Accept Shipment' will take them to a view of the shipment details, similar to your view in the Shipper App but without access to your notes. They'll also be prompted to start updating their tracking information and ETA to pickup:

Clicking 'View Shipment Details' will take the carrier to the shipment details with an option to confirm coverage:

If you've configured your settings to not require confirmation, the carrier will receive notice that the shipment is assigned to them and will be prompted to updating their tracking information and ETA to pickup:

Clicking 'Decline Shipment' will prevent the carrier from accessing the shipment details again. Instead, they'll be advised that they've already declined the shipment

Once the shipment is tendered, the carrier will be receive an error message if they try to access the details:

Providing Tracking Information via project44:

Depending on their current live-tracking integration, carriers may be prompted for a truck number to allow live tracking of your shipment via project44. If they don't have a project44 account, or have one but need to add Transfix, the support team ( can assist with getting them set up:

Providing Manual Tracking Updates:

Carriers that aren't able to connect to project44 will be prompted to provide a manual update each morning. This information will be populated in the corresponding shipment details in your instance of the Shipper App:

Under the 'Update Tracking Info' field, carriers are able to update their arrival and delivery status by logging their pickup and drop-off dates/times:

Uploading Proof of Delivery:

Once a carrier updates the status of a shipment to Delivered, they're automatically prompted to upload their POD(s):

Carriers are able to upload or drag and drop multiple PODs to the shipment details:

Uploading an Invoice:

If Freight Audit is enabled in your instance of the Shipper App, carriers will be prompted to begin the invoicing process once they've uploaded their POD:

Carriers will be able to add any new accessorials to the invoice (you'll have the final say in whether or not these are paid or not):

Once the carrier has made any necessary changes, they have the option to generate an invoice via the Shipper App or to upload their own invoice:

Invoice Disputes:

Any messages or invoice disputes will be relayed to the carrier via email:

Once you've accepted the invoice they'll be notified as well:

If any of your carriers are still having an issue accepting, tracking or invoicing shipments please contact us ( and we'll be happy to assist!

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