This guide is for carriers who have already created a P44 account and have connected via ELD. For instructions on setup - see this article.
How to enter the truck number that will be carrying a shipment
You will be prompted to enter the truck number when accepting a shipment tender (via the confirmation email). You can also enter the truck number anytime from the shipment details page.
From the load confirmation email:
From the shipment details page:
Both will bring you to this window to enter the truck information, and hit submit.
If your truck is still not tracking, the most common issue we see is a mismatch between the truck number entered for the shipment and your truck number in P44. You must enter your truck number exactly as it is written in P44.
How to see the trucks/truck numbers on your P44 account:
Click on “Network” then click “Network Management Center” or navigate to this link
From there, a new tab will open. Click in the Fleet section to the left. Here you will see the list of trucks you have connected on P44.
Need to add another truck?
Please contact and they will help you to do this.
Experiencing a different issue?
Please contact for assistance.