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Introduction to the Features of the Transfix Shipper App

A walk-through of the functions and how to use them

Morgan Williams avatar
Written by Morgan Williams
Updated over 5 months ago

Table of Contents

Quickly Quote and Book

FTL or LTL quotes are available on both the Home and Shipments pages. Just click on Get Quote in the upper right and select Full Truckload or Less than Truckload. We'll start with FTL shipments, then cover LTL.

For FTL, enter your pickup and delivery zip codes and the pickup date. Click on the Book for ___ button to proceed.

Enter your Shipment Basics, such as PO number (we'll auto-generate a Shipment ID for you). You can also request tracking updates from your carrier, which we'll cover later.

Now enter items shipped, including quantity and units. If you need to copy or delete an entry, just click on the icons under Actions. If you're shipping multiple commodities, click on Add another item to enter a new commodity.

Enter a pickup and delivery facility (if you have facilities on file, you'll have the option to select from a dropdown menu) and choose your pickup and delivery dates. Under Scheduling, make the appointments yourself or leave it up to the carrier.

Select your equipment and any additional accessorials, then click on Next: Request Coverage in the lower right.

Select Book with Transfix on the left, then click the Book with Transfix button in the lower right. You've just quoted and booked an FTL shipment!

A little later we'll show you how to tender shipments by auction, using your routing guide, or assigning directly to a carrier of your choice.

For LTL shipments, you'll be prompted for more information in order to get a quote, including weight and freight class. Click on Get LTL Quotes, then select a quote that suits your budget or click on Continue to Book.

You'll be navigated to the Shipment Basics page, where information you entered for your quote will automatically populate. Confirm the dimensions and enter an NMFC code if you have one. You can enter multiple commodities by clicking on Add another item.

Select your pickup and delivery facility (if you have facilities on file, you'll have the option to select from a dropdown menu), and the pickup date.

Select any necessary accessorials and click on Next: Request Quote to continue.

Click on a quote (you should see the one you originally received) and click on the Book Less Than Truckload button. You've just quoted and booked an LTL shipment!

Live Shipment Tracking

Request live tracking of your shipment in the shipment basics section, by clicking on either of the following:

If you request tracking updates through the Transfix Shipper App, the carrier will be automatically reminded to provide tracking update that will update the status of the shipment in your Shipper App.

If you ask the carrier for live tracking, they'll be prompted to enter a truck number which will allow us to monitor the status in real time via our partnership with project44.

On your Home page, click on a shipment that's In Progress to view the location and whether it's on schedule or not.

Performance Analytics

The Transfix Shipper App enables you to review your expenses and view metrics for your lanes and carriers. On the Home page, scroll down below your shipments map to view Your Performance: your shipments quantity, spend, cost per pound and cost per mile are all filterable by week, month, or custom range. They can also be filtered by origin, destination, equipment type or assignment method. Below that, you'll the same information for your top carriers.

On the Lanes page, click on a lane and select Lane Analytics to view shipment quantity, total spend and tender acceptance rate.

On the Carrier Network page, click on a carrier and select Carrier Performance. Scroll down past their shipments quantity, total spend and tender acceptance rates to view their assignments and removals and top removal reasons.

Scroll down some more to view their metrics on each lane, including their on-time pickup and delivery statistics.

Direct Tender

Once you've entered your shipment details, you have the option of offering the shipment directly to a carrier on file in your Shipper App. Click on Direct Tender on the left, select a carrier and rate type, and enter the amount you'll be paying the carrier.

Update your settings by clicking on the gear icon to determine if the carriers need to confirm via email and how much time they have to reply before the offer expires.

Dynamic Routing Guide

Build your routing guide in Lanes tab. Click on Add Lane in the upper right, enter the pickup and destination cities, and select your equipment type and loading method. Click on Add Lane again when complete.

To add carriers to the lane, click on the lane and select Routing Guide. Click on Edit Lane, then enter your effective/expiration dates in the Lane Details and your carrier information in the Routing Guide. Drag and drop to rearrange the order of carrier assignment.

To assign a shipment using routing guide, enter your shipment details and select Tender by Routing Guide. Your carriers will be offered the shipment in the order you've listed them in your routing guide.

Automate the process by going to your Settings, selecting Shipment Settings and clicking the gear icon under Routing Guide Settings.

Under if carriers decline, update the settings to start auction.

On the Tender by Routing Guide page, this will be reflected in the display under your carriers and the auction settings can be updated by clicking on the gear icon.

Spot Auction

To auction a shipment, enter the shipment details and click Next: Request Coverage. Click on Start Auction on the left. Select the carriers included in auction: primary and/or backup carriers on a lane, or make it open to all carriers.

Customize the settings of an individual auction by clicking on the gear icon. Choose the auction length, the rate type you'd like submitted, whether you'd like to Auto-Award the auction to the lowest bidder and whether you require email confirmation when the bid is accepted.

Click the Start Auction button in the lower right once you've made your selections.

Create default auction rules for all your shipments by going to Settings, selecting Auction Settings and clicking on the gear icon.

Unified Freight Audit

The Freight Audit feature lets you confirm and dispute carrier invoices, as well as directly communicate with them via your Shipper App. When a carrier uploads proof of delivery, they're prompted to confirm their invoice to you (this can be their company invoice or one automatically generated by Transfix). This moves the shipment from Delivered to Action Needed on your Shipments page.

A shipment will have a notation indicating that the carrier has sent the invoice. Click on the shipment to accept or dispute the invoice.

The invoice line items of the shipment are visible on the right. Go to the Activity tab to message the carrier at the bottom of the screen. Click on Accept to approve the invoice and move to the Ready to Pay column on your Shipments page. Click on Dispute to edit or remove line items. This will notify the carrier via email, and will move your shipment to the Outstanding Invoice column on your shipments page.

If the carrier takes too long to respond to a shipment in the Outstanding Invoice column, click on Manually Review Invoice.

Edit or remove the accessorial (or leave it as-is), then click on Confirm Invoice.

Once you've paid the carrier, look up the shipment in the Ready to Pay column on your Shipments page and click on the "..." to the right. Select Export to CSV or Mark as Completed, or click Export in the lower right and select multiple shipments.

If you have any questions or concerns you can always reach out to us at and we'll be happy to assist!

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